
My name is Joshua Niemelä and I’m a freelance full stack developer studying for a bachelor in Machine Learning and Data Science at DIKU. I have a passion for learning new concepts and technologies, and I’m always looking for new projects to work on. Generally I program in Julia, Haskell, Clojure and Python depending on the task.

I am an avid user of Nix, all my hosts run NixOS and all my projects contain their own reproducible development environments. My dotfiles are also available on GitHub.
My hobbies are a bit all over the place, but I enjoy coding, bad memes, rocketry (I’m the Vice Chairman of Copenhagen Suborbitals) and hiking.


I have worked as a Julia developer and machine learning developer at two various companies, Juristic and Promilist. At Juristic I worked on text recognition, image processing and API development. At Promilist I worked on another machine learning project, this time working on optimising shipping routes for container ships using space-time graphs and shortest path algorithms.
Haskell is my go-to language for personal projects, and I have several projects on my GitHub that I have worked on in Haskell. Recently, I have also picked up Clojure to fill my need for a full-stack language, and I have been enjoying it a lot.